

At the Heart of Our Mission: Share, Inform, and Mobilize

Current scientific articles are compiled by our team. This section is a non-exhaustive collection of the latest news in sexology research and in related fields. It does not present reviews of the articles, but rather an overview, through abstracts, to help the community stay informed about the state of current research.

Disordered Eating and Body Dissatisfaction Associated with Sexual Concerns in Undergraduate Women

25 March 2021
Disordered eating symptoms were associated with sexual distress, sexual function problems, more cognitive distractions during sexual activity, and poorer sexual self-efficacy....

Between Rights on Paper and Capabilities on the Ground: Policy-Based Barriers to Marginalized Women’s Sexual Rights

18 March 2021
This article shows how policies limit the sexual capabilities of marginalized women....

Providing Sexuality Training for Psychologists: The Role of Predoctoral Internship Sites

16 March 2021
This article focuses on the integration of sexuality into the applied, fieldwork components of psychologists’ training....

COVID-19 and sexualities: The emergence of a new paradigm of sexualities

11 March 2021
This paper aims to propose a provisional assessment of the research developed in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic since the beginning of 2020....

The Mediating Role of Internalizing Problems Between Peer Victimization and Dating Violence Victimization: A Test of the Stress Generation Hypothesis

4 March 2021
This study offers to practitioners in the area of prevention and intervention for peer victimization and dating violence a different way of tackling the problem of revictimization....

Care in late life, end of life and in bereavement for the oldest LGBT generations around the globe

1 March 2021
This special issue focuses on care in late life and at the end of life for people with diverse sexual orientations and gender identities, from an international perspective....

Let’s Talk About Sexual Health Education: Youth Perspectives on their Learning Experiences in Canada

25 February 2021
Study findings highlight the need for youth perspectives when developing, implementing and evaluating sexual health education....

Becoming a Sexademic: Reflections on a ‘Dirty’ Research Project

20 February 2021
This article contributes to knowledge about the challenges involved in doing sex and sexuality research, through reflexively examining the author experiences....

Individuals in Same-Sex Relationships Maintain Relational Well-Being Despite the Frequency and Severity of Heterosexism

18 February 2021
Findings of this study suggest that those who experience strong relational well-being may be resilient to distal minority stressors like heterosexism....

Characteristics and functions of subcultural identities in the lives of gay, bisexual, and queer-identifying men in Australia

11 February 2021
Findings highlight some key characteristics that define subcultural identities and the functions they serve for gay, bisexuals and queer-identifying men....

Covid19 Lockdown Impact on Cognitions and Emotions Experienced During Sexual Intercourse

29 January 2021
The lockdown impact on sexual emotions and cognitions is non-negligible and greater than the impact on sexual behaviors....

The Who and Why of Consensual Nonmonogamy Among African Americans

29 January 2021
This study shows the impact of several factors explaining the involvement of African-American people in a consensual non-monogamous relationship....

Scripted Reality: How Observers Make Sense of a Non-consensual Sexual Encounter

21 January 2021
Results illustrate the ways in which predominant discourses influence interpretations of encounters as transgressive or “just” sex, which has important implications in cases of sexual violation....

“While You’re Down There”: The Unexplored Role of Estheticians in the Health of Their Clients

11 December 2020
Results indicate estheticians may be effective conveyors of sexual health promotion and risk reduction interventions....

Disabled Sexualities: A Theoretical Review of Sociological Approaches and a Call to Problematize the Normative/Non-Normative Dialectic

6 December 2020
In this paper, the author offers more developed articulations of the theoretical perspectives underpinning scholarship on the sexualities of people with disabilities....

Exploring Variations in North American Adults’ Attitudes, Interest, Experience, and Outcomes Related to Mixed-Gender Threesomes: A Replication and Extension

5 December 2020
Results indicate that mixed-gender threesomes are a common sexual behavior that often results in positive outcomes, especially among sexual minority individuals....