

At the Heart of Our Mission: Share, Inform, and Mobilize

Current scientific articles are compiled by our team. This section is a non-exhaustive collection of the latest news in sexology research and in related fields. It does not present reviews of the articles, but rather an overview, through abstracts, to help the community stay informed about the state of current research.

L or G or B or T: Matching Sexual and Gender Minorities with Subpopulation-Specific Interventions

29 November 2020
Results show that a specific matching procedure was time-efficient and largely successful in terms of low attrition, high satisfaction, and reaching segments of people not usually captured with the LGBT acronym....

Allies Against Sexism: The Impact of Men’s Egalitarian Versus Paternalistic Confrontation on Women’s Empowerment and Well-Being

25 November 2020
Findings suggest that male confronters motivated by egalitarian reasons are more likely perceived as allies of women because they not only make women feel better but also empower them to keep fighting....

It’s complicated: Sex and the BDSM subculture

19 November 2020
This article looks at BDSM practitioners and its subculture by showing the importance of the social determinants of "sex" and "sexual experience"....

Ebbs and Flows of Desire: A Qualitative Exploration of Contextual Factors Affecting Sexual Desire in Bisexual, Lesbian, and Straight Women

17 November 2020
This study identify six main themes related to sexual desire evolution: changes across lifespan, hormonal influences, mental and physical health, objective of desire, partner dynamics and external factors....

Muscle dysmorphia: What About Transgender People?

14 November 2020
Findings of this paper signal the importance of investigating risk factors for muscle dysmorphia in transgender people....

Pro Domo Sua: Narratives of Sexual Abstinence

16 October 2020
This paper offers insight into narratives and interactional fantasizing that challenge common conceptions of sexual abstinence. ...

Sexual Behaviour and STI Testing Among Dutch Swingers: A Cross-sectional Internet Based Survey Performed in 2011 and 2018

13 October 2020
Swingers exhibit self-selection for STI testing based on their sexual behaviour. However, STI prevention efforts are still important considering the increasing numbers of reported STIs and the decreased use of condom use....

Interpersonal Sexual Objectification, Fear of Rape, and U.S. College Women’s Depression

9 October 2020
Results suggest that women’s fear of rape is an additional explanatory variable in understanding how interpersonal sexual objectification is related to women’s mental health concerns. ...

What Sexual and Gender Minority People Want Researchers to Know About Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Questions: A Qualitative Study

8 October 2020
Questions of sexual orientation and gender identity often fail to take into account the fluidity and complexity of identity, thus reducing the inclusion and representation of persons belonging to sexual and gender minorities....

Gender Disparities in Sentencing Outcomes for Sexual Offenders

2 October 2020
This study shows that women who have sexually offended were significantly less likely to receive a prison sentence than men....

Does Sex Really Sell? Paradoxical Effects of Sexualization in Advertising on Product Attractiveness and Purchase Intentions

30 September 2020
This study has practical implications for marketers because it suggests that “sex does not sell”, especially given the psychological damage and practical ineffectiveness of these sexualized ads....

“What If You Meet Someone Else?”: An Autoethnographic Account of Biphobia and Intimate Partner Emotional Abuse

27 September 2020
Communication scholars must strive for inclusivity when dissecting intimate partner emotional abuse in particular concerning bisexual people....

(Re)producing the Sexuality Binary: On Bisexual Experiences in U.S. Gay and Heterosexual Spaces

26 September 2020
This article finds that bisexuals experience the spatial (re)production of a sexuality binary (gay/straight) through three interrelated processes: passing, blending, and biphobia....

Between Mainstream and Marginality: The Case of Men and Women of Mixed-Orientation Relationships

25 September 2020
The findings show that individuals of MOR primarily encounter negative attitudes from people in society regarding themselves and the nature of their relationship....

The Impact of Bisexual Identity on Sexual and Relationship Satisfaction of Mixed Sex Couples

24 September 2020
Analyses indicated that feelings of illegitimacy of bisexuality and outness to family were negatively associated with sexual and relationship satisfaction of both partners whereas intimacy was positively associated with sexual satisfaction for both partners....

Young Bisexual People’s Experiences of Sexual Violence: A Mixed-Methods Study

23 September 2020
Both quantitative and qualitative results indicate that bisexual stigma significantly predicts a greater likelihood of reporting an experience of sexual violence....