

At the Heart of Our Mission: Share, Inform, and Mobilize

Current scientific articles are compiled by our team. This section is a non-exhaustive collection of the latest news in sexology research and in related fields. It does not present reviews of the articles, but rather an overview, through abstracts, to help the community stay informed about the state of current research.

The Impacts of Isolation Measures Against SARS-CoV-2 Infection on Sexual Health

9 May 2020
Isolation measures related to the COVID-19 pandemic will have important consequences on sexual health, impacting sexually transmitted infections (STIs), sex work or even sexual interactions....

The Relationship of Number of Sexual Partners with Personality Traits, Age, Gender and Sexual Identification

4 May 2020
Sexual identification was a moderator of the relation between emotional stability and the number of sexual partners, whereas age and gender were separate moderators of the association between extraversion and number of sexual partners....

When Desire Fades: Women Talk About Their Subjective Experience of Declining Sexual Desire in Loving Long-term Relationships

29 April 2020
The participants reported a sharp decline in sexual desire in comparison to the early stages of the relationship, experiencing it as quite perplexing given their love and affection for their partner....

Transformational Sexualities: Motivations of Women Who Pay for Sexual Services

29 April 2020
Women's sexual agency and assertiveness as clients, inverts the female sex worker/male client binary, illustrating the overlap and convergence of male and female sexualities....

Scientia Sexualis and Ars Erotica: Indonesian Young People Resisting the Discourse of Sexual Desire

24 April 2020
Participants have taken up a subject position by positioning the art of sexual pleasure, rather than specification of desires, at the centre of their becoming sexual subjects....

Sexuality, Pleasure and HIV Infection: Scripts of HIV Contamination Among Men Who Have Sex With Men (MSM) in France

21 April 2020
Health knowledge does not directly interact with sexual behaviors that mainly follow pleasure-seeking motivations....

Too Late for Love? Sexuality and Intimacy in Heterosexual Couples Living with an Alzheimer’s Disease Diagnosis

21 April 2020
This study shows how experiences of sexuality and intimacy when living with dementia are shaped by varying sexual scripts and expectations of health in different parts of the life course....

The care path of sexual offenders: From court decision to therapy

18 April 2020
This article proposes, based on a review of literature mainly professional, to study the care pathway of sexual offenders....

Identity Management and Community Belonging: The Coming Out Careers of Young Disabled LGBT+ Persons

17 April 2020
Coming out for the participants reveals tensions between their identities based on ableism and heteronormativity that led them to reconsider the viability and benefits of coming out....

Measuring the Multidimensional Construct of Pornography: A Long and Short Version of the Pornography Usage Measure

11 April 2020
This study presents the Pornography Usage Measure (PUM), an in-depth method on the types of materials that individuals consider pornographic and which indicates that pornography is a multi-dimensional construct....

Sexology as A Profession in France, 2019: Preliminary Results of A National Survey

8 April 2020
The results show a significant change in the population of sexologists with, in particular, the inversion of the sex ratio (83% of women) and the relative proportion of doctors and non-physicians (67% of non-physicians)....

Exposure to Sexism Impairs Women’s Writing Skills Even Before Their Evaluation

4 April 2020
Exposure to sexism affects women's writing skills even before they are assessed....

Writing bugchasing ethnoperformance: Creative Representations of Online Interactions

2 April 2020
Using ethnoperformance allows us to see how bugchasers discuss their negotiations between fantasy and reality while acknowledging the uncertainty of online spaces and mediation through technology....

Priapiform Erections: What Should A Sexologist Know and Do?

26 March 2020
The best prevention of post-priapism erectile sequelae involves educating all both concerned health professionals and at-risk subjects about these dangers as well as prompt treatment of priapiform erections....

Understanding Adolescents' Attitudes Toward Affirmative Consent

25 March 2020
The results suggest that adolescents are generally supportive of affirmative consent practices, although some important group differences emerged....

Abstinence from Masturbation and Hypersexuality

21 March 2020
Higher abstinence motivation was related to a higher perceived impact of masturbation, conservatism, and religiosity and to lower trust in science....