

At the Heart of Our Mission: Share, Inform, and Mobilize

Most articles are currently only available in French.
The "articles" section offers exclusive texts on sexological issues. For the production of content, Les 3 sex* relies on external collaborations. Before publication, all publications are evaluated and revised by our reading committee. Opinions expressed in the publications, however, are not an expression of the organization’s position, and only represent the points of view of the authors. Please note it is a possibility that some texts published do not represent all the gender identities of our magazine’s readership. To submit an article or a story, click here.


* This website is not yet bilingual. Use the French version of this website for more quality content.

Article • Instruction Manual for a Subversive Usage of the Speculum (Part III)

20 December 2017
Some ideas seem to stick with us forever. They end up living inside and changing us in spite of ourselves. ...

Story • Shotgun!

12 December 2017
I’m still digging through my lecture notes, not sure what I’m looking for, but clearly it’s not there. PowerPoint slides, but no handwritten notes. No colourful doodles, no notes to myself, no links ...

Story • Chronology of a Revolution

5 December 2017
My circle is biased, no doubt. Nevertheless, the wind of change was in the air. Something different that no longer goes unnoticed. Was our minority becoming the majority?...

Story • Never Walk Alone

28 November 2017
I was walking with two boys, one on either side of me, close to my shoulders, and I did not like it one bit. If that doesn’t explain enough, I’ll elaborate. The first boy was very young, younger than me....

Story • Studying Sexualities: The Discovery of Oneself and the Experiencing of Others

21 November 2017
I study sexualities. When asked what my profession is by friends, at dinner parties or by new acquaintances, I answer, somewhat provocatively: “sex.” I am deeply interested in how individuals meet, ...

Article • The Profuse Misconceptions of the Extended-Cycle Oral Contraceptive

16 November 2017
When I was 8 years old, I found out what menstruation is and I dreaded the day they would arrive. When I was 10, I heard about hysterectomies and I feared...

Story • Sexologiquement vôtre

7 November 2017
Long ago, I succumbed to her charms. Helpless, irresistibly drawn to her. Yet, I fled her, I confess, into arms that offered greater safety and stability. However, after all this time, I have returned...

Article • Instruction Manual for a Subversive Usage of the Speculum (Part II)

31 October 2017
In light of the sociohistorical context in which the speculum was created and the way it was first used in North America and Europe on marginalized bodies, i.e. those of black women and women...

Article • Facebook and Couple: Jealousy, When You Hit me

24 October 2017
Over the last decade, the era of social media has been marked by Facebook’s rise to power. Since its creation, Facebook has continued to prosper, ...

Story • Believing in Fairy Tales

6 October 2017
I don't want this text to come across as a sweeping generalization; I simply want to share a part of my life as honestly as possible. Growing up, like many young girls, I was swayed by tales of princesses ...

Story • Hide that belly that I cannot bear to see…

26 September 2017
My name is Geneviève, I’m 34 years old. I’m the mother of a two-and-a-half-year-old child and another one growing inside me for almost six months now. I’m an actress and a sexology student. I graduated...

Story • Rebuilding Myself

5 September 2017
I hesitated for a while to share this testimony, believing my experiences weren’t worse than what many endure daily. However, I decided to speak out, hoping to help others in similar situations ...

Article • Youth in Peril?

29 August 2017
Several years ago, I came across a phrase that greatly inspired my academic journey and the research questions I......

Article • Instruction Manual for a Subversive Usage of the Speculum (Part I)

29 August 2017
Speculum [ˈspe-kyə-ləm] noun-From Latin speculum: « mirror ». An instrument for dilating a bodily cavity or passage to permit examination of its interior. (C16) Collins....

Story • Rural Communities: Sexology's Next Great Leap

22 August 2017
The freshly graduated sexologist takes their painfully slow first steps, on this land devoid of job opportunities in their unique field: human sexuality. Here, they are the outsider! With caution, ...

Article • Delivering Under Hypnosis: More than a Trend

16 August 2017
In a time when more and more people are seeing Western medicine as having reached an impasse, many find themselves turning to alternative medicine. ...