Coming soon.
Written articles
- Ripped Off by a Fake Brad Pitt for 830 000 euros
- Pornhub : Practices That Promote Child Pornography
- How Music Shapes Our Relationships
- Meta and the “Anti-woke” Movement
- Beautés rebelles : When Diversity Shows on Stage
- Dating Apps Are Declining in Popularity in The UK
- Women Earn More, But Motherhood Slows Their Progress
- Bi-annual HIV Prevention Injection Available in 120 Countries
- Gillian Anderson Explores Female Fantasies in Want
- Menopause and Mental Health
- Detection of Genes Responsible for Placental Tumours
- Canadian Couples Are Living More Separately
- Petition for Free Access to Contraception Reaches 72 000 Signatures
- The French Catholic Church's Inaction Towards Sexual Violence
- Canada Condemns Rollback of Women's Rights by Taliban Regime
- Protest Against UCP Bills in Calgary
- Children’s Perception of Their Polyamourous Parents
- Demographic Crisis in Italy
- Survival of Migrant Women in Lebanon
- Pink Tea: Celebrating the 95th Anniversary of the “Persons Case”
- STBBI Outbreak: Clinic Opened in Yellowknife
- Mental Overload of Quebec Women Farmers
- Toolkit to Facilitate Trans Health Care
- Autism and Breast Cancer: Research for Adapted Care
- The Challenges of Women in Politics in Quebec
- Tennis and Equity : Valérie Tétreault Speaks Up
- Forced Sterilizations in Peru: Weaving as an Act of Resilience
- Quebec's Healthcare Reform and Its Impact on Midwives