Credit photo: Francis Riendeau

Emmanuelle Gareau

Project Manager and Articles Editor
Written articles


B.A. Psychology (McGill)
M.Sc. Interdisciplinary Health Sciences (uOttawa)
Ph.D.(c) Public Health (ongoing - UdeM)

Member of Les 3 sex* since September 2016

Emmanuelle juggles with many fields of interest, but is particularly interested in the biomedical, anatomical and physiological aspects of sexual and reproductive health. She is currently a Ph.D. candidate in Public Health at the University of Montreal, an ideal field that allows her to combine the biological, social, cultural, historical and political aspects of sexual health with her activist temperament. She likes to contribute to scientific knowledge, but above all, she loves criticizing, synthesizing and popularizing science to make it accessible to everyone.

She oscillates between her penchant for theory and scientific rigour and her interest in the more practical, freer, and more humane side of science. More than anything, she likes to create connections between different fields, between her different passions, and doing it by thinking outside the box.

To contact Emmanuelle, click here

pronouns : she/her

Media Interventions

✧ (2018, August 14). Breakaway, CBC radio (*Interview about nudity and censorship on Facebook)
✧ (2018, August 15). Daybreak Montréal, CBC radio (*Interview about nudity and censorship on Facebook)
✧ (2019, February 27). « Les robots sexuels, une bonne ou une mauvaise chose? », Huffpost Québec. [➦]
✧ (2019, March 1st). « Les robots sexuels, une bonne ou une mauvaise chose? », Politiquement incorrect, QUB radio. [➦]
✧ (2019, March 8). « Les robots sexuels vont-ils révolutionner notre sexualité? » Isabelle (with Isabelle Maréchal), 98,5 FM. [➦]
✧ (2019, March 8). Participation to the Jeux de la communication (23rd edition) as an expert in sexual education for the segment « Émission de fin de soirée ». [➦]
✧ (2021, March 17). « Se faire du bien pour ne plus avoir mal? », Quartier libre. [➦]
✧ (2021, April 9). « Les mutilations génitales féminines », Les vendredi formation/Coaching, COPAQ Média. [➦] 
✧ (2021, October 7). « La contraception masculine », Nos années 20, Télé-Québec. [➦]
✧ (2023, July 21st). « La petite histoire de la masturbation féminine sous la douche », 24 heures. [➦] 
✧ (2024, October 18). Une bonne idée d’acheter un test de grossesse au Dollarama? On a demandé l’avis d’expertes en santé. 24 heures. [➦]