Credit photo: Francis Riendeau

Mylène de Repentigny-Corbeil

Chief executive
Written articles


M.A. Communication (UQAM)
B.A. International Relations and International Law (UQAM)

Member since October 2018

Mylène holds a Bachelor’s degree in International Relations and International Law, as well as a Master’s degree in Communications (with a concentration in International and Intercultural Communications). Her thesis looks at first generation LGBTQ+ Morrocan immigrants’ perceived and lived discriminations in Montreal, through an intersectional and queer approach.
Coordinator of the Observatoire sur le Moyen-Orient et l'Afrique du Nord of the Raoul-Dandurand Chair in Strategic and Diplomatic Studies, she is particularly interested in questions relating to sexuality and to sociocultural and religious issues in Quebec, Canada, North Africa and the Middle East. Since 2017, she has been the coordinator of a research project on the sexuality and identity negotiation strategies of young Montrealers of second generation immigration, overseen by Professor Catherine Bourassa-Dansereau. Since 2020, she has also been working for the IRIPI, the Institut de recherche sur l’intégration professionnelle des immigrants du Collège Maisonneuve , as a consultant.
Passionate about culture and literature, she is an assistant to the directors of the  Festival international de la littérature (FIL) , while also a columnist for the Les Herbes Folles program on CISM 89,3, as well as for the literary blog Page par page.

To contact Mylène by email, click here.

pronouns : she/her

Media Interventions

✧ Parthenay, E. (2024, march 21). À la défense des droits sexuels. Véro Magazine[➦]
✧ (2024, March 21) « 21. Sexualités et technologies » Balado Toustes [➦]
✧ (2023, September 23) « La bisexualité dans les communautés lesbo-queer », Podcast Poursuivre la conversation [➦]
✧ (2023, June 8) « La Fierté prend de l’ampleur à Kuujjuaq » [➦]

✧ (2022, November 6) « La décennie qui a changé nos rencontres amoureuses », LaPresse [➦]

✧ (2021, April 16) « OnlyFans: sexe, indépendance et lien social », Le Soleil [➦]

✧ (2019, April 17th). « LGBTQ+ au Maroc : entre discriminations et mobilisations », Huffpost Québec. [➦]

✧ (2019, November 7th). « Entrevue avec Mylène de Repentigny-Corbeil et Abelardo León | Regards croisés sur les enjeux vécus par les personnes immigrantes LGBTQ2+ à Montréal », Midis de l'immigration[➦]

✧ (2015, February 23rd). « 48 heures à Rabat », La Presse. [➦]

Written articles