Become a member of Les 3 sex*


Why become a member of Les 3 sex*?

Everyone interested in our organization’s objectives, mission and activities can join Les 3 sex*. The organization offers two different memberships:

    • Volunteer member: by offering three hours per week voluntarily, excluding the organization’s holidays;
    • Subscribing member: by paying an annual contribution of 45$.

Becoming a member of Les 3 sex* means playing an essential part in the achievement of our projects and the strengthening of our community!

By becoming a member of Les 3 sex*, you are telling us our mission is important, valid and essential.

By becoming a member of Les 3 sex*, you will meet and join a community that has the fight for sexual rights and sexual health at heart.

By becoming a member of Les 3 sex*, you will exchange with a community sharing your vision and values.

By becoming a member of Les 3 sex*, you are encouraging us to continue our fight.


Conditions/requirements to become a member of Les 3 sex*:

  • be 18 years old or more;
  • agree with the organization’s mission and values;
  • undertake to respect the organization’s General rules.

Become a volunteer member

Everyone interested in offering three hours of volunteering per week (excluding the organization’s holidays) can become a volunteer member. In return for this social investment, Les 3 sex* are pleased to thank you by allowing you to:

  • participate to all of the members-only activities;
  • receive the job offers related to the projects currently taking place before they are published to the public’s eyes;
  • receive a monthly newsletter introducing current projects and a quarterly newsletter introducing the development of new projects, political reflexions of the organization, as well as the behind the scenes;
  • receive pre-order offers and discounts resulting from the organization’s projects or partnerships;
  • receive early-bird registration to our events before they are made public;
  • receive the convening notice for the general assembly’s meetings;
  • attend the general assembly’s meeting;
  • exercise your right to speak during the general assembly’s meetings.

Volunteer members that have been offering three hours of volunteering per week for at least three months are considered as voting members. Voting volunteer members are then allowed to vote and submit proposals during the general assembly’s meetings.


Volunteer member positions to fulfill

The positions below are representative of the organization’s current needs. When they are filled, the listings will be deleted. Please submit your resume and a letter of intent to the supervisor listed in the descriptions to complete your application.

Proofreader (French)
Political Committee Contributors

Spontaneous Applications

If the positions advertised don't match your interests, you can always send an open application and tell us how you think you can get involved with the organization.

Our team will take the time to evaluate your application. Please note, however, that you have a better chance of joining our team if you apply for a specific position.

Submit a voluntary application

Become a subscribing member


Everyone interested in paying an annual contribution of 45$ can become a subscribing member. In return for this contribution and social investment, Les 3 sex* are pleased to thank you by allowing you to:

  • participate to the members-only activities;
  • receive a monthly newsletter introducing current projects and a quarterly newsletter introducing the development of new projects, political reflexions of the organization, as well as the behind the scenes;
  • receive early-bird registration to our events before they are made public;
  • receive the convening notice for the general assembly’s meetings;
  • attend the general assembly’s meeting;
  • exercise your right to speak during the general assembly’s meetings;
  • receive pre-order offers and discounts resulting from the organization’s projects or partnerships.

Be part of our community by becoming a subscribing member!

Become a subscribing member