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Explanatory article • U.S. abortion bans: A state-by-State Guide for Canadians

10 February 2020

Tool's Title
U.S. abortion bans: A state-by-state guide for Canadians [➦]

✎ English

Target Audience
• General population (15 years old +)

• Explanatory article
• Website


Conception by
The Globe and Mail with reports from Associated Press and Reuters

Release Date and Last Update
July 25th 2019 (updated July 26th, 2019)

Abortion rights in the United States are at a precarious point. Emboldened by a conservative-leaning Supreme Court and a President openly opposed to abortion, Republican-governed states have been passing some of the strictest limits on a woman’s right to choose that the country has seen in generations. Pro-choice groups are fighting back in court, potentially bringing the Roe v. Wade case to a historic legal test – a test anti-abortion advocates are hoping it will lose.

In Washington, the Trump administration and Democratic hopefuls for the U.S. presidency are staking out sides of a polarizing issue ahead of the 2020 election. In the affected states, some of the country’s biggest companies are reconsidering whether they can continue doing business there. And in Canada, the debate south of the border has reawakened concerns about how accessible abortion is here.

*** Note that this description was written by The Globe and Mail. ***

Official Reference
The Globe and Mail. (2019). U.S. abortion bans: A state-by-state guide for Canadians. In The Globe and Mail. Retrieved from https://www.theglobeandmail.com/world/article-us-abortion-bans-by-state-explainer/

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Clarifications by the Review Team
abortion, politics, regulation, law and legislation, United States, Canada, health, pro-choice, pro-Life


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