Publication Date
25 January 2020
Original Abstract
Introduction : Drawing on social representation theories and scientific literature dealing with representations of female sexuality and menstruation, we propose an analysis of reactions to the #VivaLaVulva ad for intimate protection Nana™ published on twitter.
Method : The contents of 21,833 tweets published between October 07, 2019 and October 14, 2019 are studied. Lexical analyses are conducted in order to identify the dominant emotions and relate them to the content of the tweets.
Results : The emotional impact of Nana™ advertising is clear. The emotions linked to this message are mostly negative, strong and violent. According to our hypotheses, these negative emotions result from the joint influence of the media (the advertisement), the object of the media (menstruation) and the content of the message (the vulva). The simultaneous presence of the evocation of menstruation and sexuality potentiates negative emotional reactions, as does the family context. The results are discussed in reference to the theories of social representations. Practical perspectives are discussed.
Gouvernet, B. (2020). #ViveLaVulve. What do we learn from the Nana™ publicity about representations of female sexuality? Sexologies. DOI: 10.1016/j.sexol.2020.01.004.
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