SOS violence conjugale – Picture has been edited by The 3 sex* – Fair Use

Educational game • It’s Not Violent

17 February 2020
Maxe Tremblay-Bluteau

Tool's Title
It’s not violent [➦]

✎ English
✎ French

Target Audiences
• Teenagers
• Young adults
• Victims of domestic violence

• Website
• Education and/or awareness program
• Educational game


Conception by
SOS violence conjugale

Release Date and Last Update
2019 (no update as of the review date)

For its campaign It’s not violent, SOS violence conjugale wants to raise awareness among 15-25 year-olds about the first signs of psychological violence. On the digital platform, users are invited to discover the subtle forms that domestic violence can take.

The platform simulates MMS conversations and response options. Users of the platform can thus see how situations of subtle violence gradually establish themselves.

The campaign has five parts : sexual consent, psychological harassment, geolocation without the partner’s knowledge, manipulation and suicide violence as well as sexual exploitation.

At the end of the conversation, participants are asked whether the conversation was violent or not. The application then explains how it was and suggests behaviors to adopt in these cases.

*** Note that this description was translated by the review team from an article written by Lela Savic of the Journal Metro. ***

Official Reference
SOS violence conjugale. (2019). It’s not violent. Retrieved from

To Access the Tool

Clarifications by the Review Team
text messages, MMS, abuse, jealousy, gaslighting, power, control, emotional blackmail, escalation of violence, help resource, awareness, psychological violence


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