Publication date
26 March 2020
Original abstract
The article aims to identify the sociodemographic characteristics of the population of sexologists practicing in France and in particular the distribution between the different initial professions (doctors, psychologists, nurses, midwives, other professions), the sex ratio and the adhesion to the professional identity of sexologist. It was also a question of examining the training and diplomas in sexology obtained, the framework of practice (private or salaried), the different clinical practices used by sexologists as well as their degree of participation in the sexology apparatus (membership of an association, participation in congresses). A cross-sectional survey was carried out between December 2018 and March 2019 using a self-administered questionnaire distributed electronically to persons who had participated in the Assises de sexologie in previous years (2014–2018). This is the questionnaire that was already used in the surveys conducted in 1999 and 2009 and adapted to recent developments. The results show a significant change in the population of sexologists (compared to the 1999 data) with, in particular, the inversion of the sex ratio (83% of women) and the relative proportion of doctors and non-physicians (67% of non-physicians). The majority of participants have a degree in sexology or sexual health (62%). More than 60% of the participants do not devote more than 50% to sexology as part of their overall professional activity. In spite of their minority presence among sexologists, physicians continue to exert a strong influence in that they are more frequent speakers at sexology congresses. The survey has thus revealed a change in the profile of persons working in the field of sexology and sexual health as well as a change in the missions assigned to sexologists and to all persons who intervene in matters related to sexuality and sexual health. This evolution is parallel to the creation of new sexology associations focusing on specific themes
Giami, A. & Michaels, S. (2020). La profession de sexologue en France en 2019 : résultats préliminaires d’une enquête nationale. Sexologies. DOI: 10.1016/j.sexol.2020.03.002
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