Publication date
05 May 2020
Original abstract
Since the beginning of the confinement announced last March, the French people have been forced to review their habits, whether in terms of sanitary rules, personal hygiene or even in terms of their life as a couple! Indeed, many people are experiencing for the first time a total and permanent cohabitation with their spouse and/or other family members. This promiscuity can have an impact on the sexual activity and intimacy of French people. once again joins forces with the sexual health department of Ifop to carry out a survey on a large sample (3 045 people aged 18 and over), to determine the precise impact of confinement on the life and sexual and emotional development of confined French people. In particular, it offers the possibility of analyzing the results of confined individuals alone and in couples.
*Free translation
IFOP. (2020). État des lieux de la vie sexuelle et affective des Français durant le confinement. In Recovered from
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