Publication date
10 February 2020
Original abstract
This autoethnographic piece is my way of working through a two-year period of my life with an emotionally abusive romantic partner. While creatively recounting my experiences and detailing the demise of my romantic relationship and self-worth, I have uncovered the ways in which I was blind to emotional abuse and the ways in which I endured constant mistrust and criticism. I hope that sharing these stories demonstrates the significance of altering the discourse surrounding intimate partner emotional abuse in queer relationships. Communication scholars must strive for inclusivity when dissecting intimate partner emotional abuse as a communicative phenomenon to validate and secure representation of the experiences of those who identify as bisexual.
Ozalas, B. (2020). “What If You Meet Someone Else?”: An Autoethnographic Account of Biphobia and Intimate Partner Emotional Abuse. Journal of Bisexuality, 20(1), 86-103. DOI: 10.1080/15299716.2020.1724229
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