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Story • Sexologiquement vôtre

7 November 2017
Anthony Morin

Stories are written by people who don’t necessarily work or study in fields related to sexology. They convey emotions, perceptions, and subjective perspectives. Opinions voiced in the stories are those of their authors, and in no way represent the position of Les 3 sex*.

Ce témoignage est aussi disponible en français [➦].

Translated by Gabrielle Baillargeon-Michaud.


Long ago, I succumbed to her charms. Helpless, irresistibly drawn to her. Yet, I fled her, I confess, into arms that offered greater safety and stability. However, after all this time, I have returned to her, and now I will never part from her again. There’s nothing to understand; it’s visceral, I love her!

She is simply beautiful, devoid of frills or artifice, just by being who she is, and offering the most beautiful gift in this world: life. Moreover, it goes without saying that she possesses a talent for seducing while remaining independent and unique. Despite her relative youth, she commands respect with her wisdom and tames old lions like me. She exudes a wild, smooth strength that beckons to pleasure, always with respect and consent.

You might have guessed by now, she is the marvelous science known as sexology.

You can imagine, I am spellbound, she calls to me! A siren of the sciences, she completely consumes me, to the brink of madness or until I serve her to the best of my ability until my last breath.

Forgive me, dear reader, for this poetic flight, but it is true that I harbour a great passion for our science. However, like any good relationship, it is important to examine the reasons behind these positive feelings. So here I go: why do I love sexology so much?

Sexuality, what a marvelous subject to study!

Sexuality is fascinating! Not that I am particularly focused on practising it, but I am intrigued by the dynamics behind the processes and phenomena that affect… well, everyone.

Sexology does not judge; it explains, it guides, it informs. It transcends taboos, unravels problems, unites couples, and enhances pleasure.

In some ways, it still retains a magical and mysterious aspect, which persists despite the rapid advancements of modern science. I have no intention of reducing it to mere reproduction, but through sexuality, the greatest men and women of this world were born, as well as the humblest. A vast array of different and variable factors had to come together to witness the birth of those who have left their mark on history. However, a common denominator invariably connects them: it was sexuality that initially allowed them to be conceived. Before sperm, eggs, and all that fuss, the first thing to take place was a (hopefully mutual and consensual) attraction of one person to another. Without sexuality, there would be no life as we know it. Isn’t that wonderful enough?

Indeed, some may argue that aspects of sexuality are not always positive, highlighting instances of assault, rape, abuse, and deviant acts. And they are absolutely right! However, it is this very dichotomy that makes sexology a fascinating and rich science. It is not just black or white, but a spectrum that offers a myriad of colours in between. The multiple facets of a prism touching all of humanity, regardless of genitalia, gender, sexual orientation, culture, religion, ethnic origin, skin colour, profession, social status, etc. The universality of the need to understand sexuality is matched only by sexology’s ability to respect individual differences.

Whether one is interested in psychology, biology, neuroscience, physical or mental health, feminisms, couple relationships, sociology, or simply pleasure, the field of sexology offers something for everyone. It highlights the beautiful and virtuous aspects of humanity while also exploring its darker sides. Therefore, it can provide healing and aid, as well as prevent issues and raise awareness, amplifying and critiquing as needed. Sexology navigates the spectrum from shadow to light, from love to hate. 


At its core, sexology is simply a reflection of life itself, in all its complexity.


And what if we dreamed for a moment?

You may call me a great sentimentalist, a dreamer, even a fool, but I truly and firmly believe that if we educated the children, adults, and elders around us on the topic of sexology, society would be all the better for it.

Imagine a world, just for a moment, where from a young age, our children learn that no means no, that respect is essential, that love, friendship, and affection are fundamental values. Imagine a world where, from the onset of adolescence, we are guided and prepared for the numerous social, biological, hormonal, and cognitive changes, where parents can rely on something other than their own experiences to guide their children.

Imagine a society more educated, adapted, and tolerant towards individual differences. A society where it is possible to enjoy life into old age without having to endure the judgment of others and the misunderstanding of the system.

Imagine a world where children, women, and men can be themselves without fear of aggression, intimidation, or violence. Envision a society where everyone is better educated, where governments, the justice system, and decision-makers are better informed. If the principles of sexology were deeply rooted in the hearts of these key players, perhaps their actions would be different. This could be our chance to create a better world.

That’s probably why I am so passionate about sexology. In many ways, it has the potential to change the world. Or perhaps, it’s just a utopian dream?

Nonetheless, as a great dreamer, I choose to believe in it and dedicate my life to it, however naive that may seem.

sexology, discipline, job, education, sexual health, futur, optimistic, sexologist


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