Aude Voineau – Picture has been edited by Les 3 sex* – Fair Use

Culture of consent • Tool Kit for Young People

7 December 2020

Tool's Title
Culture of consent • Tool kit for young people [➦]

✎ French
✎ English

Target Audiences
• Teenagers
• Health, social services and education professionals

• Action research project
• Video
• Awareness poster
• Practical guide
• Educational activities

Video: 2 min 48 sec
Educational activity: one session of 45 to 60 min

Conception by
Prevention CDN - NDG 

Release Date and Last Update
2020 (no update as of the review date)

Official Description

The Culture of Consent project aims to create tools for the prevention of, and intervention in, situations of sexual harassment, all while encouraging consent culture.

In accordance with the project’s objectives, a context study and a needs evaluation as relates to identifying, preventing and intervening in cases of sexual harassment in youth aged 12 to 17 in the targeted area were carried out (2018-2019). To accomplish this, discussion groups for adolescents as well as for school and community workers were formed. This study gave us a better understanding of shared concerns for each respective group as well as their level of knowledge and awareness about consent culture and sexual violence. This first phase also led to the developing of partnerships with different community leaders. Over the second phase (2019-2020), tools were created in order to respond to the needs, observations and recommendations identified by the research. The third and last phase of the project (2020-2021) is entirely dedicated to the implementation and sharing of these tools in different schools and communities targeted by the project.

The project’s goal is to propose changes to, and offer tools for the development of, policies and intervention practices for sexual harassment, and at a larger scale, sexual violence. Communities will then be better equipped to prevent, identify, and intervene in situations of sexual harassment, and at a larger scale, of sexual violence, with a perspective of gender equality.

*** Note that this description was written by Prevention CDN - NDG. ***

Official Reference 
Prevention CDN - NDG. (2020). Culture of consent. 

To Access the Tool 

Clarifications by the Review Team
consent, young people, school, harassment, prevention, community, intervention, change, sexuality, equality, respect


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