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The Cup Quiz • Find Your Perfect Menstrual Cup

18 January 2021

Tool's Title
The Cup Quiz [➦]

✎ English
✎ French
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✎ Indonesian
✎ Italian
✎ Korean
✎ Portuguese
✎ Portuguese (Brazil)
✎ Simplified and Traditional Chinese
✎ Spanish
✎ Thai
✎ Turk

Target Audience
• Woman, trans people and non-binary people

• Questionnaire
• Website


Conception by
Put a Cup in It

Release Date and Last Update
2016 (no update as of the review date)


Combining our extensive menstrual cup knowledge and our Menstrual Cup Comparison Chart we have created a quick menstrual cup quiz that will point you to the right menstrual cup for your body, age, history, activity level, and more! We invite you to take this quiz, even if you’re a cup user but especially if you aren’t!

Before you take the quiz please keep a few things in mind:

1- We are NOT doctors. We are advocates that have over 20 combined years of experience as cup users and we have spent countless hours talking with other users, learning from their experiences.

2- Answer questions based on your average – not doing so will cause your answers to be less accurate.

*** Note that this description was written by Put a Cup in It. ***

Official Reference
Put a Cup in It. (2016). The Cup Quiz. https://putacupinit.com/quiz/

To Access the Tool

Clarifications by the Review Team
menstrual cup, quiz, menstrual cycle, cervix, vagina, menstruations, menstrual flow, human body, woman, sexual health, reproductive health


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