Miels-Québec – Picture has been edited by Les 3 sex* – Fair use

Reflection Piece • HIV or AIDS: How to Talk About It?

3 February 2021

*Content only available in French.


Association canadienne de santé publique (CPHA). (2019). Le poids des mots : Pour un langage respectueux en matière de santé sexuelle, de consommation de substances, les ITSS et de sources de stigmatisation intersectionnelleshttps://www.cpha.ca/fr/le-poids-des-mots-pour-un-langage-respectueux-en-matiere-de-sante-sexuelle-de-consommation-de

CATIE. (2017). I = Ihttps://www.catie.ca/fr/visionpositive/ete-2017/ii#:~:text=Les%20donn%C3%A9es%20sont%20claires%20%3A%20Si,est%20ind%C3%A9tectable%2C%20il%20est%20intransmissible.

Meyer, I. H. (2003). Prejudice, social stress, and mental health in lesbian, gay, and bisexual populations: conceptual issues and research evidence. Psychological bulletin129(5), 674.

ONUSIDA. (2011). Guide de terminologie de l’ONUSIDAhttps://unaids-test.unaids.org/sites/default/files/unaids/contentassets/documents/unaidspublication/2011/JC2118_terminology-guidelines_fr.pdf

Portail VIH/Sida du Québec (PVSQ). (2019). Vivre avec le VIHhttps://pvsq.org/vivre-avec-le-vih/

Portail VIH/Sida du Québec (PVSQ). (2019). Le VIH et le sidahttps://pvsq.org/le-vih-et-le-sida/ 

Vojak, C. (2009). Choosing Language: Social Service Framing and Social Justice. British Journal of Social Work39, 936–949. https://doi.org/10.1093/bjsw/bcm144

HIV, AIDS, words, stigma, affirmation, choice, respect, STBBI, vocabulary


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