What Makes a Baby – Picture has been edited by Les 3 sex* – Fair Use

What Makes A Baby · Book

22 March 2021
Frédérique Blanchet

Tool's Title
What Makes A Baby [➦]

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Target Audience
• Children

• Educational Book


Conception by
Cory Silverberg (author) and Fiona Smyth (illustrator)

Release Date and Last Update
2013 (no update as of the review date) 


What Makes a Baby is a book for every kind of family and every kind of kid. It is a 21st century children’s picture book about where babies come from that reflects the reality of our modern time by being inclusive of all kinds of kids, adults, and families, however they came to be.

Geared to readers from pre-school to 8 years old, it teaches curious kids about conception, gestation, and birth in a way that works regardless of whether or not the kid in question was adopted, conceived using reproductive technologies, at home or in a clinic, through surrogacy, or the old fashioned way, and regardless of how many people were involved, their orientation, gender and other identity, or family composition. Just as important, the story doesn’t gender people or body parts, so most parents and families will find that it leaves room for them to educate their child without having to erase their own experience.

Most books about where babies come from leave many of us out. They tell a nice story (mommy + daddy + intercourse = you!) but the truth is that more and more of us are acknowledging the help we get to bring children into our lives. That help might be a doctor, fertility clinic, adoption or foster agency; it might be a turkey baster and a friend; it might be a sperm donor or a surrogate. What Makes a Baby helps parents tell children a story about where they came from that isn’t just true for them, but true for everyone.

Written by a sexuality educator, Cory Silverberg, and illustrated by award-winning Canadian artist Fiona Smyth, What Makes a Baby is as fun to look at as it is useful to read.

*** Note that this description was written by Seven Stories Press. ***

Official Reference
Silverberg, C. et Smyth,F. (2013). What Makes a Baby. New York ; Oakland : Seven Stories Press.

To Access the Tool
Hard copies of this book are available at the Grande Bibliothèque (BAnQ)

You can also buy the book in bookstores at a cost of $24,95.

Clarifications by the Review Team
conceive a baby, reproduction, pregnancy, body, egg, sperm, uterus, vagina, development, birth, child education, accompaniment, inclusivity


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