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Guide pratique • Women Lovin' : A Queer Women's Sexual Health Guide

2 November 2018
Carolanne Dionne

Tool's Title
Women Lovin': A Queer Women's Sexual Health Guide [➦]

✎ French
✎ English

Target Audience
 People from the LGBTQ+ community

Informative brochure
• Practical guide


Conception by
Jayme L. Spinks and Nav Bhatia (design), Lisa Van de Ven (copyeditor)

Release Date and Last Update
2012 (no update as of the review date)

Official Description
This pocket guide is a fresh look at sexual health for queer women. Developed, designed and written by women, Women Lovin' is a bit cheeky and playful, with solid information on sexual health issues for queer women. It's written from a pleasure perspective. The format includes more than two dozen topics organised around knowledge ("Know your risks") and options for promoting sexual health ("Know your choices"). Basic information on HIV and other STIs, as well as Hep C, is combined with practical tips and risk-reduction strategies. The pocket guide includes information about trans women, cis women, trans men and cis men, in the context of being potential partners to cis women. Introductory national resources are also provided.

Official Reference
AIDS Committee of Toronto (2012). Women Lovin': A queer women's sexual health guide. Retrieved from

To Access the Tool 

Clarifications by the Review Team
sexual health, women, sexual relations, VIH, safe sex, hepatitis C, guide, strategies, queer, women


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