If Pierre Bourdieu said that "youth is only a word", adolescence is nevertheless a period of discovery and self-construction. Construction of one's personality, otherness, socialization and psychic construction: all fields are concerned. Sexuality is no exception. With the massive arrival of the Internet in homes and the democratization of online pornography, nearly one in two 15 year olds say they have already seen a pornographic film. However, pornography and young people is a questionable combination. To what extent are they influenced by the images they see? What does the consumption of pornography tell us about our society? If for some researchers, access to pornography should be prohibited forbidden and strictly controlled, for others, the consumption of pornography is simply the sign of a blatant lack of sexual education. Young people, especially those who identify as LGBTQ+, seeking for answers to unanswered questions, would then turn to pornography. The subject is, therefore, not so neutral and is much more complex than it seems, as research on this subject tends to show.
Recension • The uses of pornography among young people
15 February 2022
Scientific paper
Recently on this subject
Teenager, youth, pornography, use, Internet, media