Marie-Vincent Foundation – Picture has been edited by Les 3 sex* – Fair use

Delicate Spots • Educational Game and Companion Guide

21 March 2022

Tool's Title
Delicate Spots [➦]

✎ English
✎ French

Target Audience
• Teenagers
• Health, social services and education professionals

• Educational game
• Educational activities

5 sessions of 75 minutes

Conception by
Marie-Vincent Foundation

Release Date and Last Update
February 2022 (no update as of the review date)


Delicate Spots is a web application designed to prevent sexual violence among young people. It deals with sex-related topics, such as first sexual experiences and sexual violence. The narrative game is divided into five scenarios in which a group of teenagers are having a get-together. Delicate Spots allows players to experience, within a safe setting, the impact of decisions they make for the game's characters.

This companion guide is intended for use by caseworkers, professionals and educators who wish to incorporate one or more scenarios from the sexuality education web game Delicate Spots into the educational activities of the sexuality education curriculum. The activities in this guide were designed to foster a climate conducive to dialogue with students on topics around the prevention of sexual violence.

*** Note that this description was written by the Marie-Vincent Foundation. ***

Official Reference
Marie-Vincent Foundation. (2022). Delicate Spots. [Educational game].

Marie-Vincent Foundation. (2022). Delicate Spots : Companion Guide for Secondary School Educators.

To Access the Tool
Game :

Companion Guide :

Clarifications by the Review Team
teens, romantic relationship, sexting, pornography, communication, first time, sexual stereotype, consent, sexual assault, disclosure, sexual exploitation, seeking help


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