Credit: Raphaël Desmaison

Awareness Campaign • Do You See Yourself?

31 May 2022
Marion Bertrand-Huot, Estelle Cazelais, Bruno Mercure, Mylène de Repentigny-Corbeil, , Marianne Couture-Cossette, Cédric Trahan

Do you recognize yourself? You can do better. Choose non-violence” is an awareness campaign funded by the Bureau de lutte contre l’homophobie et la transphobie du ministère de la Justice du Québec.

This campaign, centered around a series of six fictional videos, draws attention to relational and intimate violence between couples and partnerships of various sexual and gender diversities.

The goal of this project is to make visible the more subtle and insidious forms of violence that can affect relationships on a daily basis. Notably, it focuses on specifically addressing those individuals who commit the assaults (i.e., the perpetrators), in order to offer them an alternative “choice” to committing these forms of violence. This campaign hopes to raise awareness about the more specific forms of violence that LGBTQIA2+ people can experience. Along with the video clips, we will be distributing a list of support and intervention resources, as well as information sheets about the forms of violence depicted in the clips.


The Six Themes Addressed:

  • Forced coming-out;
  • Transphobia, identity-based and gender-based violence;
  • Jealousy and control;
  • Economic violence;
  • Sexual racism;
  • Biphobia.

This project was launched in June 2022.

Too see the project page

Support the organization Les 3 sex*


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