Jasmin Roy Sophie Desmarais Foundation – Picture has been edited by Les 3 sex* – Fair use

Helping LGBTQI+ Youth with Caring • Intervention Guide

1 June 2022

Tool's Title
Helping LGBTQI+ Youth with Caring [➦]

✎ English
✎ French

Target Audience
• Health, social services and education professionals

• Practical Guide


Conception by
Michel Dorais, Ph. D and Jasmin Roy for the Jasmin Roy Sophie Desmarais Foundation

Release Date and Last Update
May 2022 (no update as of the review date)

It had two main objectives: to better understand and address the stigma experienced by LGBTQI+ youth; and to promote the well-being of these youth through intervention, in particular, the development of healthy social and emotional lifestyles in various living environments.

The guiding theme of this document is caring and proactive support for LGBTQI+ youth and their environments. To achieve this, we will explain how to develop knowledge, soft skills and know-how that are relevant to the realities experienced by LGBTQI+ youth today.

The content of this guide is divided into three sections: essential knowledge in order to understand the problems that LGBTQI+ youth may face and which require intervention; soft skills to be developed in order to carry out this intervention with empathy, openness and caring; lastly, know-how to be put into practice, i.e. skills to be developed in order to intervene with these youth and their environments and to foster respect for their individuality and rights as well as their resilience and ability to improve their own lives. The main aim throughout this guide is to promote an inclusive society for LGBTQI+ youth.

*** Note that this description was written by Michel Dorais and translated by Myles Mckelvey. ***

Official Reference
Dorais, M. and Roy, J. (2022). Helping LGBTQI+ Youth with Caring. https://fondationjasminroy.com/en/initiative/helping-lgbtqi-youth-with-caring/

To Access the Tool

Clarifications by the Review Team
LGBTQI+, youth, coming out, sexual orientation, gender identity, intervention, glossary, knowledge, soft skill, know-how, caring, intersectionality


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