Tool's Title
Sexist Ads, That’s Enough! [➦]Languages
✎ English
✎ FrenchTarget Audiences
• General population (15 years old +)Type
• Practical GuideDuration
N/AConception by
YMCA Montreal Youth Services
Le service aux collectivités de l’UQAMRelease Date and Last Update
2011 (updated in 2021)
In 2011, the YWCA Montreal Leadership Service (now called Youth Services) and the Service aux collectivités de l’UQAM produced a companion guide to provide information on how to file a complaint against sexist images and messages in the media. This work was born of the mutual concern both organizations had regarding the increased media broadcasting of sexist, sexual and pornographic images and messages.
It seems that consumers of all genders are more against overtly sexist messages; however, advertising continues to portray women and men in stereotypical roles. This is perhaps even more pernicious now, as it is more difficult to identify.
That is why it was important to update this guide. We stated earlier that gender-based stereotypes in sexist advertising has not evolved much, but the use of digital technology has changed, making it necessary to update this guide with respect to filing a complaint.
*** Note that this description was written by the YMCA Montreal Youth Services. ***
Official Reference
YMCA Montreal Youth Services. (2021). Sexist ads, that’s enough! : Companion Guide to filing a complaint agains sexist and sexual images and messages in the media.
To Access the Tool
This inclusive guide highlights several stereotypes and gender roles. It contains, among other things, clear and simple steps to follow in order to denounce advertisements deemed sexist by consumers. Two possible and detailed scenarios are available in the guide. It is therefore an important tool to combat sexism and the objectification of women’s bodies in the media. It should be noted however that this guide focuses on the bodies of cisgender women, and does not talk about those of trans women or non-binary people.
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