Les 3 sex* is proud to collaborate with Oxfam-Québec as a technical partner to conduct participatory action research under the Power to Choose program.
Power to Choose is a 7-year program (2021–2028) co-funded by Global Affairs Canada and Oxfam-Québec. The program is dedicated to empowering individuals whose sexual and reproductive rights are most restricted, enabling them to assert their rights to sexual and reproductive health.
In Quebec, the Power to Choose program will boost public support for sexual and reproductive health and rights through participatory action research, targeted awareness campaigns, and strategic political advocacy. These initiatives will be conducted by, for, and with adolescents and young adults. A youth committee, reflective of Quebec’s diverse society, will be engaged to guide the project’s critical stages and create recommendations, content, and advocacy strategies that address the specific concerns and needs of young people.
- Raise awareness among adolescents and young adults in Quebec about sexual health and sexual and reproductive rights;
- Boost public engagement in issues related to sexual health and sexual and reproductive rights;
- Foster stronger solidarity among local and global youth on matters of sexual health and reproductive rights through enhanced dialogue and learning opportunities.
Planned Actions
- Empower young people regarding their health and sexual and reproductive rights through a participatory action research project based on the principles of popular education;
- Collect data to understand the specific needs and concerns of young people in Quebec regarding sexual health and rights in Quebec;
- Mobilize a diverse group of young people to participate in a youth committee that will co-analyze the research findings and develop recommendations;
- Create targeted content, initiate youth-oriented awareness campaigns, and shape political advocacy efforts based on the insights gained from the research.