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Review • Asexuality

21 September 2022

In our society, sexual desire is taken for granted and sexuality is considered a privileged way to express and experience pleasure. However, this is not the case for everyone. Just as there is no one form of sexuality, the absence of sexual desire is also a reality for many individuals. Once referred to only as a hypoactive sexual desire disorder, there have been increasing calls for asexuality to be recognized as an identity and an intimate orientation. It is in this context that academic research has begun to focus on this subject. While its definition is questionable - generally referring to an absence of sexual attraction or desire for others, although some definitions suggest that it is a spectrum - research on asexuality shows how it questions gender and sexual norms, our ways of considering desire and its expressions, and sexuality as a whole. This scientific review will thus be the occasion to address the current state of research on asexuality.

Scientific papers
Recently on this subject
asexuality, intimate orientation, sexual desire, hypoactive sexual desire disorder


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