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Review • Online sex addiction

8 February 2023

Addictions of all kinds are largely the focus of biomedical, social and psychological studies. When we approach this field of study, we generally think of substance use disorders such as alcohol or psychoactive drugs. However, what does science say about behavioral addictions? This concept of "addiction without drugs" is at the heart of a debate and its definition is not yet agreed upon. Nevertheless, we can associate some characteristics to this type of addiction: focus on an object or activity, a growing tension before satisfying this irrepressible desire and, finally, the repetition of this activity even though it causes consequences on physical and/or mental health. The articles presented are thus interested in behavioral addiction to online sexual activities (pornography, sexchat, sexcam, etc.). Most of the time, cybersex use is not problematic. However, for a small subset of individuals, online sexual activities can become excessive and affect different facets of their lives. For neurosciences and psychopathology, it is clear that the neurobiological mechanisms underlying this type of addiction are similar to drug addiction. However, there remains a problem with the classification of these disorders since the barrier between passion and addiction to a practice remains porous. Is the scientific community right to pathologize certain types of behaviors? This review will not answer this question, but will give you some keys to try to answer it.

Scientific papers
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behavioral addiction, cybersex, hypersexualization, pornography, reward system, sexual addiction


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