SOS violence conjugale – Picture has been edited by Les 3 sex* – Fair use

Website • SOS domestic violence

4 September 2024

Tool's Title
Website • SOS domestic violence []

✎ French
✎ English

Target Audience
• Adultes
• Teenagers

• Website
• Support resources


Conception by

Release Date and Last Update

SOS violence conjugale is a non-profit organization whose mission is to help ensure the safety of victims of intimate partner violence (IPV) and that of their children throughout Quebec, by offering free, bilingual, anonymous and confidential referral services. We are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and can provide direct access to information, support or shelter.

The mission of SOS violence conjugale is to contribute to the safety of victims of intimate partner violence and to the reduction of violence and its consequences by offering services to victims and to all persons affected by intimate partner violence.

SOS violence conjugale offers information, prevention and referal services Services are offered to victims of intimate partner violence (current or past), victims of post-separation violence and their allies. They are accessible via a 24/7 telephone referral line, as well as by email, chat and text message. Unfortunately, written services are not yet available at all times, but those who use them are invited to contact us by phone when the service is not available.

Outreach and information services are available through our social networks as well as our websites ( and

SOS violence conjugale is committed to providing bilingual (French and English), anonymous and confidential services to anyone concerned by a situation of intimate partner violence.

All complaints regarding SOS's services should be sent by email to the attention of Cassandra Jeanty at, specifying the date and time of the event as well as a summary of the facts (what happened, what you were asking for, what the worker told you, what is a problem for you in the situation, etc.). SOS will then notify the person by email of the outcome of their complaint within 10 business days.

The administration can be reached by phone at 514-728-0023, by email at and by mail at PO Box 55, Station C, Montreal, Quebec H2L 4J7. For help by phone, the emergency and referral line is accessible at 1 800 363-9010 and text message are available at 438 601-1211.

*** Note that this description was written by SOS violence conjugale. ***

Official Reference
SOS violence conjugale.

To Access the Tool 

Clarifications by the Review Team
pedophilia, child, sexual assault, fantasy, behavior, distress, sexual preference, child pornography, self-help, helpline, prevention, sexuality


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