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Review • Major neurocognitive disorders and sexualities

3 October 2024

This review focuses on the experiences of people diagnosed with Major Neurocognitive Disorders (NCD), also known under the umbrella term “dementia”. This group of diagnoses include a variety of disorders, the most well known being Alzheimer’s disease. NCDs share common characteristics, as they are degenerative disorders that affect the cognitive functions of the individual and eventually cause neurological and physical symptoms as well. 

The sexuality of people living with NCDs is influenced by this debilitating and progressive  illness experience, whether identity-wise or in terms of their sexual practices. The very fact that NCDs have a critical impact on one’s autonomy often leads to institutionalization, which further impacts the sexuality of those living with a NCD. 

Relevant literature on NCDs most often explores the experiences of people living with Alzheimer’s disease specifically. Other issues highlighted by authors include sexual behaviours deemed inappropriate in those with NCDs, capacity to consent to sexual practices, and sexual orientation disclosure to caregivers. 

The documents included in this review address the importance of acknowledging the sexual identities and needs of people living with NCDs. A gap in the existing body of research  that pertains to individual sexuality as a form of sexual expression is significant, as most studies have long considered sexuality through the lens of the couple.

Scientific papers
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elderly, aging, major neurocognitive disorder, dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, caregiver, institutionalization, intimacy, behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia (BPSD)


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