Tool's Title
Sexual Health Promotion with Disabled Youth toolkit resources [➦]Languages
✎ English
✎ FrenchTarget Audience
• Health, social services and education professionals
• People in parental/family roles
• People with disabilitiesType
• Informative brochureDuration
N/AConception by
Sex Information & Education Council of Canada []Release Date and Last Update
2024 (no update as of the review date)
- SIECCAN is excited to announce the release of the Sexual Health Promotion with Disabled Youth toolkit. These resources focus on the needs of youth with physical disabilities related to mobility, flexibility, and dexterity and can be used by program and policy decision makers, service providers, disabled youth, and others. The toolkit includes the following resources: Canadian Guidelines for Sexual Health Promotion with Disabled Youth (full version and easy read version)
- Sexual Health Promotion: A Guide for Service Providers Working with Disabled Youth
- 2 information sheets for disabled youth: Disability and Sexual Activity and Setting and Maintaining Boundaries
These resources were developed in collaboration with an expert working group of people with diverse lived experiences and professional expertise.
*** Note that this description was written by SIECCAN ***
Official Reference
SIECCAN. (2024).Sexual Health Promotion with Disabled Youth toolkit resources.
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