Françis Riendeau, Official Photographer of The 3 sex*

Banque d'images • État Brut : Corps sexués

14 February 2019
Sophie D. Morin

Tool's Title
Raw Forms : Sexualized Bodies [➦]

✎ French
✎ English

Target Audiences
• People in parental/family roles
• Health, social services and education professionals

• Image bank


Conception by
Les 3 sex*

Release date and last update
2017 (no update as of the review date)

Nowadays, sexual education primarily uses schematic and limited imagery to depict the sexual body. This void - created by a deficient sexual education - harms the construction of a healthy sexual identity by restricting body representations to those conveyed by pornography.

This image bank includes more than 300 non-pornographic, uncensored, high definition pictures of sexual bodies. It promotes an appropriate and complete sexual education. It is meant to be an educative tool promoting an inclusive representation of body diversity.

Les 3 sex* wants to thank the 23 participants who had the courage to strip for the cause, as well as the entire team who worked tirelessly on this project.

Official Reference
Les 3 sex*. (2017). Raw Forms : Sexualized Bodies. Retrieved from 

To Access the Tool

N.B. The image bank is free for non-profit organizations and agents aiming to use the photos in a non-commercial way. To access the images, you will have to complete a form explaning in which way you plan to use it. (To obtain a free licence, you have to be a Les 3 sex* subscriber)

Private companies and non-profit organizations looking to use the photos in a commercial have to buy the proper rights to use the image bank. This money will be used on future projects of Les 3 sex*.

naked body, nudity, diversity, sexual education, images, pictures, penis, vulva, genital organ, breast, bottom, free pictures, EBCS


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