Publication Date
23 April 2019
Original Abstract
Minority stress research has demonstrated negative health outcomes in sexual minority populations. However, the influence of sex education on these outcomes remains unclear. In the current study, the Perceived Inclusivity of Sex Education Scale (PISES) was developed and administered to sexual minorities (N = 263) to assess the associations between sex education climate and health outcomes. Greater perceived inclusivity was associated with lower anxiety, depression, and suicidality, but was not associated with sexual risk-taking and substance use. We hypothesized that a number of resilience factors would moderate these relationships, but no interactions were found. These findings may help guide further research on sex education among sexual minorities.
(2019) Sex Education Inclusivity and Sexual Minority Health: The Perceived Inclusivity of Sex Education Scale, American Journal of Sexuality Education, DOI: 10.1080/15546128.2019.1600448
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