Number of Psychosocial Strengths Predicts Reduced HIV Sexual Risk Behaviors Above and Beyond Syndemic Problems Among Gay and Bisexual Men

18 January 2017

Date de publication
January 2017

Original Abstract
Syndemics research shows the additive effect of psychosocial problems on high-risk sexual behavior among gay and bisexual men (GBM).

Psychosocial strengths may predict less engagement in high-risk sexual behavior. In a study of 470 ethnically diverse HIV-negative GBM, regression models were computed using number of syndemic psychosocial problems, number of psychosocial strengths, and serodiscordant condomless anal sex (CAS). The number of syndemic psychosocial problems correlated with serodiscordant CAS (RR = 1.51, 95% CI 1.18–1.92; p = 0.001). When adding the number of psychosocial strengths to the model, the effect of syndemic psychosocial problems became non-significant, but the number of strengths-based factors remained significant (RR = 0.67, 95% CI 0.53–0.86; p = 0.002).

Psychosocial strengths may operate additively in the same way as syndemic psychosocial problems, but in the opposite direction. Consistent with theories of resilience, psychosocial strengths may be an important set of variables predicting sexual risk behavior that is largely missing from the current HIV behavioral literature.

Hart, T-A., W. Noor, S., D. Adam, B., G, Vernon, J., Brennan, D-J., Gardner, S., Husbands, W. and Myers, T. (2016). Certains facteurs psychosociaux prédisent une réduction des comportements sexuels à risque au-delà des problèmes syndémiques chez les hommes gais et bisexuels. AIDS and Behavior. DOI: 10.1007/s10461-016-1669-2.

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sex, sexuality, sexology, french, homosexuality, men, gay, psychosocial factors, syndemic


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