unsplash/Maxim Medvedev - Picture has been edited by The 3 sex*

Informative brochure • My Sex Life

27 January 2020

Tool's Title
My Sex Life [➦]

✎ English
✎ French

Target Audiences
• Teenagers
• Young adults
• People living with a STBBI and/or HIV
• Health, social services and education professionals
• People from the LGBTQ+ communities
• Women, trans and non-binary people

• Informative brochure


Conception by
ACT (AIDS Committee Toronto)
Positive Youth Outreach (PYO)
Redaction collaborators: Alessandro Bisignano, Logan Broeckaert, Jesse Brown, Adam Busch, Andre Ceranto, Melisa Dickie, Duncan MacLachlan, Reece Malone, David McLay, Mason McColl, Claire O’Gorman, Ricky Rodrigues, Michael Schneider, Len Tooley, James Wilton.

Release Date and Last Update
2013 (no update as of the review date)

My Sex Life is written primarily by and for young people living with HIV (poz young people) who represent a range of sexualities and gender identities. HIV is stigmatized and this can make sex and life more complicated. It can be hard to find trusted information that affirms our sexual and romantic desires. This resource addresses that challenge.

My Sex Life is a sexual health resource and a bit more. It is designed to help young people living with HIV navigate and explore sex. It may be just as useful for those of us with a lot of sexual experience as it is for those of us who haven’t had a relationship or sexual experience. People who provide treatment, care and support to us and work with us may also find My Sex Life useful.

*** Note that this description was written by ACT, PYO and CATIE. ***

Official Reference
ACT (AIDS Committee Toronto), Positive Youth Outreach (PYO) et CATIE (2013). My Sexual Life [Brochure]. Retrieved from http://librarypdf.catie.ca/ATI-20000s/26420.pdf

To Access the Tool

Clarifications by the Review Team
HIV and AIDS, positive sexuality, consent, sexual practices, gender and sexual diversity, sexual power, transidentity, seropositivity, safe sex, testing, pleasure


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