Les 3 sex* is a non-profit organization fighting for reproductive rights and reproductive health by by raising public awareness of sexological issues. Les 3 sex* has positioned itself as an expert in creating awareness campaigns aimed at positively transforming harmful and negative public perceptions of women and people of sexual and gender diversity. To learn more about our organization, visit our page About us.
Your Donation Will Help Us Produce Our Online Magazine

Les 3 sex*’s online magazine, is completely self-financed and realized thanks to our members’ volunteer work.
Our magazine’s different sections - News, Culture, Tools, Abstracts and Articles - are all geared towards independent popular education. We cover a wide range of issues and trends related to sexual health and rights. Additionally, our online magazine:
- contributes to maintain our community’s mobilization in defense of sexual rights over long term;
- provides a reference and advocacy platform for sexual health issues.
By making a donation, you allow us to continue to create content for our online magazine.
Your Donation Will Support Political Actions
Thanks to your financial support, the organization can devote more time to political action. This may involve :
- meetings with elected officials to in order to advance various demands related to sexual rights, such as:
- the involvement of grassroots organizations in decision-making processes relating to sexual health, sexual rights and sexuality education;
- the systematic inclusion of sex education in school curricula at the primary, secondary and college levels;
- the allocation of substantial financial support for awareness campaigns;
- a commitment to defending sexual rights through educational workshops;
- the production of advocacy materials aimed at defending sexual rights among the general population;
- media monitoring and formulation of statements in defense of sexual rights (e.g., access to abortion or inclusive sex education);
- support in our day-to-day efforts (drafting op-eds and advocacy letters, taking stances articulated by the political committee, etc.);
- creating public awareness campaigns to address issues overlooked by funding agencies' calls for projects.
Your Support is Vital

Like most non-profit organizations, Les 3 sex* is in a precarious financial situation. For many years now, organizations have been facing a reduction of “mission-based” funding. Mission-based funding entails that an organization receives funding on an annual basis covering its administrative expenses such as rent, administrative staff salaries, day-to-day operations, and ongoing activities.
Organizations are competing for project-based funding, preventing them from fulfilling their mission. This type of funding generally comes with has serious constraints to which organizations must adhere, for example :
- projects depend on departmental or government priorities;
- projects have a limited timeframe (organization cannot extend projects once funding expires);
- only a small portion of the budget (10 to 15%) can be allocated to administrative expenses (salaries, rent, insurance, accounting, etc.).
Added to this, the lack of guaranteed recurrence of subsidies and the short duration of projects (rarely lasting more than two years) mean that community organizations remain in a precarious financial situation.
For all these reasons, is it essential for Les 3 sex* to diversify its funding sources. This would enable us to focus on issues that are less frequently targeted by government calls for projects, to pose a variety of political actions and to defend sexual rights among the general population.
With your financial support, Les 3 sex* will be able to devote itself fully and freely to defending and fighting for sexual rights and sexual health.
How to Contribute?
We need you to continue to promote and defend sexual rights and sexual health! Your financial support makes all the difference.
Here is how you can help :
- One-time donation: With a one-time donation, you allow us to invest in our mission without being beholden to a funding organization.
- Monthly donation: With a recurring donation, you allow us to have a more predictable source of funding, while giving us the flexibility to invest in our mission without being beholden to a funding organization.