

Share, inform, and mobilize: At the heart of our mission

Les 3 sex* is much more than an online magazine. Our team works every day to develop new projects with the goal of promoting sexual health and fighting for sexual rights. In this section, you can read more about our main projects.


#Portetacause: fighting for sexual health one t-shirt at a time

9 April 2018
T-shirts to eliminate the taboos related to female masturbation, fight against slut shaming and against the current stigma surrounding the LGBTQ + community....

Apprendre à nous écrire • Inclusive Writing Guide and Training

30 March 2021
Epicene communication? Gender-neutral writing? Inclusive writing? What do these terms refer to? How do they differ from the feminization of titles and functions, common in recent decades? This project clarifies the practice of inclusive writing, its different practices as well as its social, linguistic, political, and discriminatory issues...

Awareness Campaign • Do You See Yourself?

31 May 2022
Do you see yourself? You can do better. Choose nonviolence. is an awareness campaign funded by the Bureau de lutte contre l'homophobie et la transphobie du ministère de la Justice du Québec....

Awareness Campaign • La diversité est dans le pré

24 October 2020
“Diversity in the Meadow” (“La diversité est dans le pré” in French) is an initiative funded by the Bureau de lutte contre l'homophobie et la transphobie of ministère de la Justice du Québec. This project is composed of two parts: a video component and a resource component....

Awareness Campaign • Les 3 James – Season 1 and 2

14 January 2019
“Les 3 James” is aimed at an educated audience, already familiar with trans questions and wanting to address more complicated issues and reflect seriously on ways to fight for trans people’s sexual health in a sustainable manner. ...

Awareness Campaign • Protagoniste de ton cyberplaisir

31 May 2021
This campaign aims to offer positive alternatives to young people to experience their sexuality safely online....


11 March 2024
Rêve ton futur is an awareness campaign about the dreams and aspirations of young queers between 15 and 18 years old....

Awareness campaign • Sextortion

18 April 2022
This project aims to provide an operational and theoretical definition of sextortion, to popularize new scientific, sexological and political knowledge related to sexuality and cybersecurity, and to promote a culture of online consent....

Awareness Campaign • We exist. It exists.

15 April 2020
When we speak about seniors, we rarely mention issues related to sexuality. There is a strong...

Case File • Childfree: Between Freedom and Stigma

19 September 2019
Choosing not to be a parent is one of the “last great taboos” in our society. It is for this reason that Les 3 sex*, pursuing its mandate to promote sexual health and rights, has addressed this issue....

Case file • Female genital mutilation: Understanding in order to take action

6 February 2023
In 2012, in order to step up actions aimed at abolishing FGM, February 6th was declared the International Day of Zero Tolerance for Female Genital Mutilation (UN, n.d.b). ...

Catalog: Les 3 sex* in Isolation

27 March 2020
Our members have pitched in to put together a cultural repertoire with a sexological kick. An essay to reflect on, a novel to get away from it all, the latest TV series to discover, or a podcast to add to your list... ...

DépistaFest · Festival Dedicated to Screening for STBBIs

14 June 2021
It is time to do the soundcheck of...your crotch! Les 3 sex* is a proud partner of DépistaFest, the only screening festival for STBBI, organized by Club Sexu....

Dossier • Celibacy From a New Positive Perspective

14 February 2020
On November 4, 2019, Emma Watson stated “I am very happy being single. I call it being self-partnered” in response to a question about her relationship status....

Flash Day: Tattooed for Sexual and Gender Diversity

17 March 2020
"Flash Day: Tattooed for Sexual and Gender Diversity" is fundraising event carried out by tattooers...

I Live my Sexuality Healthily (Nicaragua)

9 September 2017
Les 3 sex*, in partner with the Les Ateliers Sex URL, will be spearheading the five hour long training program for interns who will be headed for Nicaragua in the summer of 2018....