

At the Heart of our Mission:  Share, Inform, and Mobilize

Members of our team continually survey various sexological tools. Education programs, clinical scales, mobile apps, pedagogical guides, and more. If you become a volunteer-member of Les 3 sex* you can share your knowledge and participate in evaluating such tools. If you have any comments or questions about the Tools section, please do not hesitate to contact our team.


Mini series • Et si on s'écoutait

7 September 2020
*This tool is only available in French....

My body, my rights! · Book

8 November 2021
During a special school activity, Charlie, Kim, Matéo and Evelyne learn that their bodies belong to them and that they have the right to always feel good and safe in their bodies....

Online Safer Space • Alix

9 September 2019
Alix is a safe space to address the violence experienced by LGBTQ+ communities. Alix gives you the opportunity to report the violence you experienced in a completely anonymous way....

Ouvre les yeux • Campagne de sensibilisation à la violence conjugale

22 February 2021
*This tool is only available in French....

Pourquoi prévenir la violence sexuelle chez les tout-petits?

9 November 2020
*This tool is only available in French....

Practical guide • Cyberviolence in Teen Intimate Relationships

17 March 2023
This guide and videos have been prepared to make aware of the forms that cyberviolence takes in teen intimate relationships and its consequences, inform of the workings of the youth justice system and provide advice and resources....

Practical Guide • Guide pour prévenir les violences et le harcèlement envers les femmes dans les OSBL d’habitation

23 March 2020
*This tool is only available in French....

Prendre conscience qu'il faut en parler

12 April 2021
*This tool is only available in French....

Prévention des inconduites sexuelles commises par des professionnel.le.s • Site web

30 November 2020
*This tool is only available in French....

Prévention des violences à caractère sexuel • Vidéo

9 November 2020
*This tool is only available in French....

Projet • La violence à l’égard des femmes et des filles en situation de handicap

20 January 2020
*This tool is only available in French....

Quel.le héroïne ou héros es-tu pour contrer le harcèlement de rue?

1 November 2021
*This tool is only available in French....

Quelques secondes pour comprendre • Capsules vidéo

29 March 2021
*This tool is only available in French....

Sois PRO • Plateforme en ligne sur les violences à caractère sexuel et l’intoxication en milieu festif

26 October 2020
*This tool is only available in French....

Support resource • Ça suffit : prevention of sexual offences

2 October 2023
Ça suffit is for people who are suffering from sexual fantasies towards minors. Our mission is to provide support services to reduce the emotional distress experienced by these individuals and to prevent sexual offences....