

At the Heart of Our Mission: Share, Inform, and Mobilize

Current scientific articles are compiled by our team. This section is a non-exhaustive collection of the latest news in sexology research and in related fields. It does not present reviews of the articles, but rather an overview, through abstracts, to help the community stay informed about the state of current research.

Sexual Distress and Sexual Problems During Pregnancy: Associations With Sexual and Relationship Satisfaction

8 February 2017
Sexual problems are common during pregnancy, but the proportion of pregnant women who experience sexual distress is unknown....

Is Comparison the Thief of Joy? Sexual Narcissism and Social Comparisons in the Domain of Sexuality

8 February 2017
Are people who are high in sexual narcissism more sensitive to information comparing their sex lives with the sex lives of others? Does this sensitivity explain narcissists’ lower sexual and relationship satisfaction?...

The Influence of Cognition on Human Sexuality

1 February 2017
Neuroscientific research, in the field of sexuality (in the broad sense), is mainly devoted to clinical topics or the neurobiological processes of reproduction. ...

Staying Healthy “Under the Sheets”: Inuit Youth Experiences of Access to Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights in Arviat, Nunavut, Canada

1 February 2017
Inuit youth are reported to experience considerably worse sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) outcomes than Canadian youth in general, as evidenced through public health data on sexually transmitted infections, unintended young pregnancies and rates of sexual violence in Nunavut compared to national averages....

Clinical Differences and Outcomes of Sexual Abuse Investigations by Gender: Implications for Policy and Practice

1 February 2017
Although the detrimental impact of child sexual abuse is well documented, there is a dearth of literature on differential outcomes and on child protection services by gender. ...

Problematic Cybersex: Conceptualization, Assessment, and Treatment

1 February 2017
Problematic involvement in cybersex is generally considered to be an excessive and uncontrolled use of onlinesexual activities associated with tangible negative outcomes and functional impairment. ...

Men Presenting With Sexual Thoughts of Children or Coercion: Flights of Fancy or Plans for Crime?

25 January 2017
There is limited evaluation of clinical and theoretical claims that sexual thoughts of children and coercing others facilitate sexual offending. The nature of these thoughts (what they contain) also is unknown....

The Placement Trajectories of Youth Served by Child Protection for Sexual Abuse

25 January 2017
This paper examines the long-term placement trajectories of youth aged 10 to 17 years at initial investigation, with attention to the comparative trajectories of youth served for sexual abuse gender differences, and the mediating effects of behavioral difficulties experienced post investigation. ...

Profiles of Cyberpornography Use and Sexual Well-Being in Adults

25 January 2017
Although findings concerning sexual outcomes associated with cyberpornography use are mixed, viewing explicit sexual content online is becoming a common activity for an increasing number of individuals....

Stigma Management Trajectories in Youth with Perinatally Acquired HIV and Their Families: A Qualitative Perspective

25 January 2017
This study explores how family, secrecy and silence contribute to the adoption of stigma management strategies among youth with perinatally acquired HIV (PAHIV)....

Interpersonal Goals and Well-Being in Couples Coping with Genito-Pelvic Pain

18 January 2017
In the context of genito-pelvic pain, consideration of interpersonal goals is particularly relevant given that couples’ distress is often predicated upon the relational setting. However, relationship goals have not been examined in this population. We investigated (1) the associations between relationship goals and women’s pain during intercourse as well as the sexual, relational, and psychological well-being of women with provoked vestibulodynia (PVD) and their partners and (2) the moderating role of sexual goals in these associations. ...

Childhood Sexual Abuse and Substance Abuse: A Gender Paradox?

18 January 2017
We examine associations between childhood sexual abuse (CSA) and substance abuse, the role of mental health indicators as mediators in these associations and whether or not associations differ by gender. ...

Number of Psychosocial Strengths Predicts Reduced HIV Sexual Risk Behaviors Above and Beyond Syndemic Problems Among Gay and Bisexual Men

18 January 2017
Syndemics research shows the additive effect of psychosocial problems on high-risk sexual behavior among gay and bisexual men (GBM)....

More Than Just Sex: Affection Mediates the Association Between Sexual Activity and Well-Being

18 January 2017
Positive interpersonal interactions such as affection are central to well-being. Sex is associated with greater individual wellbeing, but little is known about why this occurs. We predicted that experienced affection would account for the association between sex and well-being....

Trauma-Specific Reflective Functioning in Adults who Experienced Childhood Sexual Abuse

11 January 2017
Little is still known about the mentalizing capacities of childhood sexual abuse (CSA) survivors. This study is aimed at measuring and describing the mentalizing capacities of 30 adult CSA survivors using an interview discussing disclosure of experiences as coded by the Trauma-Specific Reflective Functioning Scale....

11 January 2017
*Content only available in French....