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Limited docuseries • Sex, Explained

16 March 2020
Maxe Tremblay-Bluteau

Tool's Title
Sex, Explained [➦]

✎ English
✎ Spanish
✎ Brazilian Portuguese
✎ French (subtitles only)

Target Audience
• General population (15 years old +)

• Video

• Sexual Fantasies: 18 min 55 sec
• Attraction: 17 min 03 sec
• Birth Control: 24 min 41 sec
• Fertility: 23 min 46 sec
• Childbirth: 26 min 06 sec

Conception by

Release Date and Last Update
2020 (no update as of the review date)

This isn’t the sex education you may have had to sit through in school. In five 20-minute episodes, we dig into why a third of women worldwide describe childbirth as traumatic, why we still don’t have male birth control, and why even your weirdest sexual fantasies are way more predictable than you think.

The series is narrated by Janelle Monáe. If you’re familiar with her music, you know there’s no one more qualified.

We chose five topics — sexual fantasies, attraction, birth control, fertility, and childbirth — where new research has raised new questions and offered up surprising new answers. Some of it’s uncomfortable, or even taboo, but they’re all topics that affect our health and well-being throughout our lives in more ways than we realize.

There’s a lot more to the birds and the bees than we can cover in a limited series. But we hope these five stories provide fresh insights and an open dialogue about a part of the human experience that’s too often shrouded in mystery, misinformation, and euphemism.

*** Note that this description was written by Claire Gordon and Sanya Dosani in this article. ***

Official Reference
Vox (Producer). (2020). Sex, Explained [Video Series]. Vox Media. Retrieved from

To Access the Tool

The episode Childbirth is available for free on the Vox YouTube Channel:

Clarifications by the Review Team
BDSM, kinks, sexual orientation, love, sexuality, conceiving, delivering a baby, periods, pill, IUD, web series


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