Canadian Centre for Child Protection – Picture has been edited by Les 3 sex* – Fair use

Kids in the know : an interactive safety education program to empower children and reduce their risk of victimization.

13 December 2021
Justine Bolduc

Tool's Title
Kids in the know [➦]

✎ English
✎ French

Target Audiences
• Children
• Teens
• People exercising a parental role
• Health, social services and education professionals

• Educational workshops
• Education and/or sensibilization program
• Educational notebook

The duration for each school grade varies, but on average, a school grade contains between 6 and 8 lessons. As for the duration of each lesson, they last on average between 45 minutes and 1 hour. If the lesson is longer, it is divided into smaller sessions, to allow teachers to complete a session within a single class period.

Conception by
Canadian Centre for Child Protection

Release Date and Last Update
2004 (last update in 2018)


Kids in the Know is an interactive safety education program designed to increase the personal safety of children and help reduce their risk of victimization. The core foundation of the program is based on 7 Root Safety Strategies and 4 Root Safety Environments. These root safety principles are reinforced and practiced throughout every grade level, from kindergarten to high school, to provide children and youth with a solid safety repertoire. 

*** Note that this description was written by the Canadian Centre for Child Protection. ***

Official Reference
Canadian Centre for Child Protection. (2018). Kids in the know for Kindergarten to High School. 

To Access the Tool
The pricing depends on the chosen package, as customers are able to adapt their order to their specific needs. The Kindergarten to High School set is retailed at $260 and the individual notebooks per school year vary between $35 and $125. Some lessons are offered free of charge.

Clarifications by the Review Team
childhood, youth, abuse, sexual activity, sexual assault, consent, prevention, risk, denunciation, sensibilization


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